Fixing code style errors with Spotless and Maven

Table of Contents

In previous post related to coding style I’ve described how to validate the code and generate report with Checkstyle. This time I would like to focus on Spotless which not only offers the same functionality as Checkstyle, but also can fix code style errors automatically.

Autoformatting example

Before configuring the Maven and running Spotless I would like to illustrate the functionality by presenting two code snippets. Both have the same code, but have different formatting applied. The first one is before running Spotless and the second one after applying it.


 * Messy
 *          code
 *          makes
 *           programmers
 * life
 *  harder.</p>
public class App {

    final static public String myConst = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore ";

    public static void main(String[] args) {
                .println("Please fix me :)");


/** Messy code makes programmers life harder. */
public class App {

    public static final String myConst =
            "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore ";

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Please fix me :)");

Example project

In this post I will use code base from the project on GitHub. The project looks like this:

├── pom.xml (Maven configuration)
└── src
    └── main
        └── java
            └── codes
                └── hubertwo
                    └── maven
                        └── spotless
                            └── (Messy source code)

In real life, projects have much more files but for the demonstration purposes I keep it as simple as possible. We have Maven configuration pom.xml and which contains messy code (presented at the beginning of the post).

Adding plugin to pom.xml

First things first, we need to add Spotless plugin to Maven configuration pom.xml.


Since Spotless supports many languages like Java, Groovy or Kotlin (you can also format Markdown files), we need to add little more configuration. If we don’t do it Spotless won’t pick up our Java files and as a result won’t check and fix code style.

            <include>src/main/java/**/*.java</include> <!-- Check application code -->
            <include>src/test/java/**/*.java</include> <!-- Check application tests code -->

This is minimal and simple configuration, and in real life project you will add more configuration. For sake of simplicity, I decided to configure default Google style. To find additional configuration parameters check links section.

Checking the code style

Ok now we should be ready to go. Let’s first check the code style, without applying any changes. To do so we will execute spotless:check goal.

> mvn spotless:check
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] --- spotless-maven-plugin:2.9.0:check (default-cli) @ maven-spotless ---
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.diffplug.spotless:spotless-maven-plugin:2.9.0:check (default-cli) on project maven-spotless: The following files had format violations:
[ERROR]     src/main/java/codes/hubert/maven/spotless/
[ERROR]         @@ -1,22 +1,13 @@
[ERROR]          package·codes.hubert.maven.spotless;
[ERROR]         -/**
[ERROR]         -·*·Messy
[ERROR]         -·*··········code
[ERROR]         -·*··········makes
[ERROR]         -·*···········programmers
[ERROR]         -·*·life
[ERROR]         -·*··harder.</p>
[ERROR]         -·*/
[ERROR]         +/**·Messy·code·makes·programmers·life·harder.·*/
[ERROR]          public·class·App·{
[ERROR]         -··final·static·public·String·myConst·=·"Lorem·ipsum·dolor·sit·amet,·consectetur·adipiscing·elit,·sed·do·eiusmod·tempor·incididunt·ut·labore·";
[ERROR]         +··public·static·final·String·myConst·=
[ERROR]         +······"Lorem·ipsum·dolor·sit·amet,·consectetur·adipiscing·elit,·sed·do·eiusmod·tempor·incididunt·ut·labore·";
[ERROR]          ··public·static·void·main(String[]·args)·{
[ERROR]         -····System.out
[ERROR]         -············.println(myConst);
[ERROR]         -····System
[ERROR]         -············.out
[ERROR]         -············.println("Please·fix·me·:)");
[ERROR]         +····System.out.println(myConst);
[ERROR]         +····System.out.println("Please·fix·me·:)");
[ERROR]          ··}
[ERROR]         -}
[ERROR]         +}

As we expected the build failed due to code style violations. From output above we can observe that Spotless is very verbose. It shows the diff between current code and code after auto-formatting. Note that, no code changes were applied.

Fixing code style errors automatically

Now when we know that we need to fix the code style, we can do it manually or use Spotless to fix all formatting issues for us! The decision is yours, but I would go with Spotless. What we need to do is to run spotless:apply goal, wait few seconds and voilà!

> mvn spotless:apply
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] -------------< codes.hubert.maven.spotless:maven-spotless >-------------
[INFO] Building maven-spotless 1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
[INFO] --- spotless-maven-plugin:2.9.0:apply (default-cli) @ maven-spotless ---
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time:  1.102 s

In contrast to check goal the apply goal is not verbose at all. It just simply tells us if formatting was done or not. The main change we can observe are the changes in source code. Our example file should now be modified and formatting rules should be applied. You can see the differences in your IDE or compare code mentioned earlier.

To show that Spotless applied changes I will use Git here:

> git diff .
diff --git a/src/main/java/codes/hubert/maven/spotless/ b/src/main/java/codes/hubert/maven/spotless/
index 175311b..b382cc7 100644
--- a/src/main/java/codes/hubert/maven/spotless/
+++ b/src/main/java/codes/hubert/maven/spotless/
@@ -1,22 +1,13 @@
 package codes.hubert.maven.spotless;
- * Messy
- *          code
- *          makes
- *           programmers
- * life
- *  harder.</p>
- */
+/** Messy code makes programmers life harder. */

Now once the code is formatted and follows coding style you can commit it.


Support for Java 17

At them moment of writing this post Spotless won’t work with Java 16, Java 17+ out of the box. If you try to use Spotless you will probably get Maven build error:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.diffplug.spotless:spotless-maven-plugin:2.9.0:apply (default-cli) on project maven-spotless: Execution default-cli of goal com.diffplug.spotless:spotless-maven-plugin:2.9.0:apply failed: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: class (in unnamed module @0x6cf31447) cannot access class$TokenKind (in module jdk.compiler) because module jdk.compiler does not export to unnamed module @0x6cf31447 -> [Help 1]

Fortunately there’s workaround for this! To make Spotless work simply create new file in you project directory jvm.config and put params listed below in it.

 --add-exports jdk.compiler/ 
 --add-exports jdk.compiler/ 
 --add-exports jdk.compiler/ 
 --add-exports jdk.compiler/ 
 --add-exports jdk.compiler/

You can check if problems with Java 16+ were solved here.

TL;DR - Maven configuration

You can find the link to repository with example code at the bottom of this page. However, if you are just looking for ready to use solution, you can find full configuration below.



For Java 16, Java 17, Java 18:

 --add-exports jdk.compiler/ 
 --add-exports jdk.compiler/ 
 --add-exports jdk.compiler/ 
 --add-exports jdk.compiler/ 
 --add-exports jdk.compiler/


In few steps we configured the Maven Spotless plugin, checked for code violations, applied auto formatting, compared the differences and made Spotless to run with Java 17.

Source code

All code samples and Maven project described in this post is available on GitHub Fixing code style errors with Spotless and Maven.
If you found this post useful do not forget to leave a ⭐️ on GitHub :) Thanks!

Read more

  1. Spotless on GitHub
  2. Spotless Java/Maven configuration
  3. Google Java Style Guide